Saturday, July 17, 2010

Flexing those muscles

I was in my yoga class the other day when it dawned upon me that no matter how much I practise, I may never be as flexible as the most flexible girl in the class.

And even if I spend days & nights at the gym working my ar*e off and adopt a goat's diet, I will never be as skinny as the girl that I saw the other day in her white bandage dress.

Because everyone is different - unique in their own little ways.

But that doesn't mean that I will stop trying (being more flexible, that is) as I've discovered recently during my weekly runs that a competitive side of me actually exists.

As long as we do our best, that, by far, is and should be good enough.

"If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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