Saturday, October 4, 2008

Evening news

Sometimes I find reading the newspapers a rather daunting experience. It's almost similar to reading those forwarded e-mails that you get from your well-meaning friends, warning you of strangers who try to hypnotize you on the streets, the piece of leaflet stuck on your windshield, the seemingly kind man who offers to help you change your flat tyre at the car park, etc.

If one would have taken all those at heart, I guess nobody would ever want to even step out of their homes. Hell, even being at home does not guarantee your safety as there seems to be quite a number of botched up break-in attempts of late. As if taking all your valuables is not good enough, they still want to take your life as well.

I guess it's always better to be safe than sorry. But then we should really try not to get too paranoid and hyped up about how bad the economy is nowadays and perceive everyone out there as trying to get a piece of you. There are still, after all, kind Samaritans in this world.

I hate to sound selfish but somehow I find reading news about murders much more interesting than sports. Or any sort of business related news. Unless of course there is a fire or big jewellery heist at an X or Y company, which could possibly be one of my company's clients. *shudder*

Damn, there goes my bonus...

"Evening news is where they begin with 'Good evening', and then proceed to tell you why it isn't." - Author Unknown

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