In life, we will cross paths with a lot of characters, some colourful, some dull,some loud and some reserved.But often, what you see may not be necessarily what you get.***I get quite uncomfortable if 5 minutes through my conversation with a stranger, she begins to talk to me like I'm her BFF.Now who doesn't know that friendships take time to develop? After all, Rome was not built in a day.I can't stand it when a person goes on and on forever and doesn't seem to need to catch a breather between each sentence.Why can't she just shut the hell up already???Maybe she was a mute in her previous life. And judging by the rate she's going, she may go back to being one again in her next life since she has already fully utilized all her 'talktime' for 3 lifetimes.And then there are people who pretend to be nice and extremely helpful but stabs you from behind when you're not looking.Some individuals who seemed cocky on the exterior but as you get to know them better,you realize that they are actually kind people who will not hesitate to lend you a helping hand (or ear) when you need it.Last but definitely not least, the type who are friends with everyone but then there's just something about him/ her that you just can't put your finger on. And no matter how hard you try, there always seem to be a humongous gap between the both of you.Okay, so perhaps I didn't try hard enough. Or just couldn't be bothered to even try at all.Maybe the problem lies with me, and not this person."To be yourself in this world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." - Ralph Waldo Emerson Not a good reader,
"So easy to say the words goodbye, so hard to let the feelings die"... as the lyrics to the Natalie Cole song, Starting over Again, goes.They say that you won't know how to appreciate the things you've got until they're gone.Every once in a blue moon, I'd ask myself if we've made the right decision by choosing this path or whether both of us should've strived harder and meet each other halfway instead.And when I think of him, I can't help but wonder whether he is somewhere other there, thinking of me too.But I've always believe that if it's meant to be, no matter how long it takes, we'll get there eventually. And if it isn't, regardless of how hard we try, it will still fall apart in the end.Only time will tell."The bottom line is that (a) people are never perfect, but love can be, (b) that is the one and only way that the mediocre and vile can be transformed, and (c) doing that makes it that. We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love." - Tom Robbins in 'Still Life with Woodpecker'Thinking of you,
Okay, so I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but that doesn't give anyone the right to put me down.A person, no matter how patient, will still have a threshold limit - even if he's a saint.And it is at times like these that I can totally relate to the boy next door who woke up one morning and decided to grab his dad's revolver and go on a shooting spree.No kidding.* * *You may think that you are smarter than I am, but I beg to differ.I've seen a handful of people in the past whom I personally don't think deserve to be in the positions that they're in, rise faster than the morning sun.And I'm beginning to wonder if this is exactly what this other person is thinking about me right now.Which leaves me with this question: If everyone on the face of this earth perceives themselves as smarter than they actually are (including the not-so-intelligent ones), why is the world still not a better place? Maybe I really am a ditz after all."No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt
Do we......drink because we actually enjoy alcohol or merely because the rest of the crowd is doing it?...smoke when we are stressed out and desperately need a fix? And did the addiction start 5 years back with us thinking that it was cool to be seen with a ciggie in our hand?...doll ourselves up for work to feel good about ourselves or are we yearning for that second glance from strangers/ the opposite sex who bumped into us on the street?...dress up to the nines just to hang out with our clique at certain 'happening' places just to see and be seen?
...own an LV bag and/or drive flashy cars just for show or due to the fact that we really have too much money to spare?...give up our seat on the bus since we THINK that others are watching or because we REALLY want to do so?"Always be a first rate version of yourself, instead of the second rate version of someone else." - Judy GarlandIn a daze,
I'm a thinker. Always am, always will be.I know that I worry too much for my own good sometimes but I've learnt to come to terms that there are a lot of things in life that I may not be able to control.And often, letting go gives one a sense of liberation.Yesterday, I heard the news about the passing of an ex-colleague from AIG, who lost his battle to cancer on July 8, 2009. I cried buckets whilst reading about his journey through the eyes of his youngest daughter here:, obviously God loves you more and wants you to be by his side. We're glad that you are now in a better place and no longer have to suffer. May your soul rest in peace.If each and every sentence needs to end with a full-stop, what does the writer have to do to ensure that the message behind the sentence carries through once she has dotted all her 'i's and crossed her 't's? I look forward to all of us putting our writing instruments to good use."When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.'" - Erma BombeckI hope you dance,