Monday, July 13, 2009

That thing you (& yours truly) do

Do we...

...drink because we actually enjoy alcohol or merely because the rest of the crowd is doing it?

...smoke when we are stressed out and desperately need a fix? And did the addiction start 5 years back with us thinking that it was cool to be seen with a ciggie in our hand?

...doll ourselves up for work to feel good about ourselves or are we yearning for that second glance from strangers/ the opposite sex who bumped into us on the street?

...dress up to the nines just to hang out with our clique at certain 'happening' places just to see and be seen?

...own an LV bag and/or drive flashy cars just for show or due to the fact that we really have too much money to spare?

...give up our seat on the bus since we THINK that others are watching or because we REALLY want to do so?

"Always be a first rate version of yourself, instead of the second rate version of someone else." - Judy Garland

In a daze,

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